
Kathleen Mazy

Welcome to Texas Massage Academy's online learning platform.  We are very excited for this new journey. 

At Texas Massage Academy we are always trying to grow and push our knowledge as well as the knowledge of our students.  With the new addition to Texas to allow online learning we are ready to push into this new world, but this isn't something completely new to us.  
We began offering online continuing education courses in 2019 through our online website www.texasceu.com.  We are so excited to start our online program and open the door to those that can't travel or move for class.  

What can I expect?

Texas has given us some requirements for online learning, so something that you can expect:

  • No skipping past learning activities.  One of the requirements is that you are present for all hours, so you won't be able to just skip to the end of the video and have it count, you will have to watch all of it, even if you skip around, you will have to go back to the areas you skipped to watch them.  

  • Fun integrations: Brandon and I know that sitting and watching 250 hours of video is BORING!!!!  You can excect to find some fun learning activities within the lessons.  

  • Hands on learning will still be onsite (you don't want to miss out on the best part of massage school anyway, getting free massages!!!) .  Once you have reached the point where you can enroll in the hand-skills portion of your learning, you will need to come to our campus in Brownwood (expect more locations soon) to start your actual massage classes.  Of your program 200 hours are Massage Therapy, plus your internship that have to be completed at a massage school. 

  • Learn at your own pace.  We know that your schedule can be crazy with kids and school, so instead of being stuck in a daily scheduled zoom meeting, we have created our course where you can learn at your own pace.  

  • Smaller chunks.  We know that sometimes you don't even have a whole hour to devote to your learning, but we've broken the lessons down into smaller segments so that you can learn when you have time.